Research Interests: Intellectual Property and Corporate Law; Entrepreneurship and Economic Development
Dissertation Committee:
Prof. Norm Hedges (Primary Supervisor)
Prof. Mark Janis
Prof. Christiana Ochoa
SJD, Indiana University Maurer School of Law
LLM, University of California–Berkeley
BBA and JD, University of Puerto Rico
• Non registered trademarks fall down the drain (Marca que no se registra, se la lleva la corriente); DIDASKO Magazine, (Issue 2, 2018)
• Even trademarks will die one day (Toda marca tiene su final, nada dura para siempre); DIDASKO Magazine, (Issue 2, 2018)
• When talking about your business, the name is not enough (El Nombre no hace la cosa y negocio), El Nuevo Día newspaper: Negocios (2018)
• Not for profit organizations: comparative analysis between the P.R. and the U.S. tax treatments. (Organizaciones sin fines de lucro: Análisis comparativo del tratamiento fiscal y el control del estado a nivel federal y estatal) , 86 Rev. Jur. UPR 168 (2017).
• Series LLC, Looking for Guidance in the Delaware Law, Rev. Jur. UPR (In Rev 2017).
Member, New York Bar;
Blogger of Culinary Road Trips Puerto Rico 2008–Present;
Earned the highest grade in Dissertation Fundamentals (Fall 2019);
Earned the highest grade in Academic Legal Writing (Spring 2020);
Member: Student Organization for Advanced Legal Studies and Berkeley Law Society;
Top 10 students with the highest GPA in entering class;
Awards: Honor Student from 2008-2013 and magna cum laude 2013.