Research Interests: Cyber Law and Policy; Privacy, Free Speech, Cybersecurity, Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain
Dissertation: Internet Intermediary Liability in the age of algorithms: A Section 230 Proposal
Dissertation Committee:
Prof. Joseph Tomain (Primary Supervisor)
Prof. Anthony Fargo
Prof. Asaf Lubin
S.J.D., Candidate, Indiana University Maurer School of Law
LL.M., Duke University School of Law
LL.B., National Chung Cheng University
. RACs: Protecting Collaborative Truth in a Competitive ESG Industry (With Chris Draper) (Forthcoming 2024, Edited Volume: The Environmental Knowledge Commons: Cases and Lessons for Knowledge Sharing, Published by Cambridge University Press)
• Defending Democracy: Constructing Taiwan’s Compliance of Cybernorm, (Forthcoming 2024, Edited Volume: Defending Democracy, Published by Cambridge University Press)
• Academic Career Manual: The Triadic Model for a Successful Scholastic Career, (Forthcoming 2023)
Office of Graduate Legal Studies & International Programs at Indiana University Maurer School of Law
• An Economic Analysis of Virtual Real Estates (Co-authored with Celso Maziteli Neto), Maurer Global Forum (December 22, 2022)
• How Elon Musk Should Use Twitter to Shape Democracy, MEDIUM (An opinion piece written for The Digital Economist) (June, 2022)
• Acting as Our Fiduciary: The Duties of Tech Companies in Times of Pandemic (Co-authored with Kamel Ajji), Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies: the Global Legal Scholars Series (May 2021).
• An Introduction to the Chinese Internet Regulation, Triangle Privacy Research Hub (August 5, 2020).
• Cambridge Analytica: A Property Based Solution, Cognitio-studentisches Forum für Recht und Gesellschaft (April 24, 2020).
Media Law & Policy Scholars Conference — Topic: Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and Internet Intermediary Liability: An Algorithmic Approach;
• 2021 Taiwan National Technology Conference — Topic: Data Trust: Treating Data as Property.
Professional Experience:
• Graduate Colloquium Coordinator;
• Writing Specialist;
• Research Assistant for Prof. Gabrielle Goodwin;
• Cybersecurity Clinic: Team Lead;
• Student Ambassador;
• Co-founder of Law as Science, https://www.facebook.com/LawasScience.
Scribe Award for Excellence in Academic Legal Writing
Simon Sun is an S.J.D. candidate at Indiana University, Maurer School of Law, and the Founding Committee Chair of the Maurer Global Forum. His research concerns First Amendment issues, privacy, and cybersecurity in the realm of cyber law & policy. Specifically, he examines the liability of Internet intermediaries, algorithmic harm, and Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act in his dissertation research. He has a forthcoming publication entitled “Defending Democracy: Constructing Taiwan’s Compliance with Cybernorm,” forthcoming in an edited volume published by Cambridge University Press. At Maurer, he works as a Writing Specialist, Co-coordinator of the Graduate Colloquium, and Chair of the Maurer Global Forum. He is also a research fellow at The Digital Economist, conducting research projects related to the digital economy, including the environmental impact of artificial intelligence, blockchain governance, and cybersecurity advisory services for government entities. In 2021, Simon co-founded “Law as Science,” an academic initiative that focuses on different research methodologies, composed of S.J.D. candidates from various law schools. Simon Sun holds an LL.M. degree from Duke Law School and an LL.B. degree from National Chung Cheng University.