Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time Bound.
Course Mapping Templates
Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time Bound.
Posted on by akesha
Posted on by akesha
Posted on by akesha
Posted on by akesha
Posted on by akesha
Posted on by akesha
Email top performers on a recent homework or exam to congratulate them; be sure to include a diverse group. (Message students from Canvas based on their grade: https://community.canvaslms.com/t5/Instructor-Guide/How-do-I-send-a-message-to-students-from-the-Gradebook/ta-p/741)
Provide students with clear and timely feedback, including class-wide distribution data. Women and minority students often fear the worst about their position relative to the class and can be reassured by data.
After a midterm exam, step through the math showing the class that students can still pass the course even if they did poorly. It’s just some multiplication but take the time to talk about it. Be factual—no need to “sugar coat”—but provide facts that will help reassure students who think things are worse than they really are.
Reach out to students who have filed a disability accommodation form with you and ask them if their needs are being met in your class. See: https://studentaffairs.indiana.edu/student-support/disability-services/index.html Reaffirm your commitment to complying with their approved accommodations and your willingness to receive complaints if there is a problem.
Review today’s lecture slides to make sure that your slides are free from gendered pronouns, especially those used in ways that conform to stereotypes (e.g., “A programmer should always write comments in his code, so he can remember how it works”). Use of “they” (and their/them) as a singular pronoun is now widely accepted as a neutral alternative, and better than the awkward “he or she” construction because it also includes genderqueer and non-binary.
Start class today by renewing your invitation to students to come to office hours. Understand that not all students have had the mentoring necessary to know how you expect them to interact with you, so explicitly instruct your class on how to do it. For example: “You don’t need to have a particular question—you’re welcome to just stop by for 5 minutes to introduce yourself,” or “I’m not just here for homework questions—if you are considering changing your major to CS and want to talk about it, if you want to know what it’s like to work as a software engineer, or if you are thinking about applying to grad school but don’t know where to begin, I’m happy to discuss that kind of thing as well.”
Look around your office and/or lab space. Consider if there are things you could add or remove that would make the space more welcoming generally, and also signal welcome to a diverse student body (e.g., remove very masculine or heavily CS-stereotyped movie posters).
Actually write a tally of how many times you call on students of different genders in class today. People of all genders are prone to calling on men more often. You may do this unconsciously unless you consciously do otherwise.
Go through today’s lecture slides and add “alt text” written descriptions of all images and diagrams. If you’ll use a video clip today, transcribe it. You will need to do this for all your class materials when you have a student who requires these accommodations, so even if that doesn’t apply this term, doing it now is a good head start. Make sure that students who are red-green colorblind will be able to interpret all the graphs and diagrams in your slides. -(Note the Office of Disability Services (ODS) will provide video transcripts to videos you produce if a student who is deaf or hard of hearing is enrolled in your course and registered for ODS services. See: https://studentaffairs.indiana.edu/student-support/disability-services/index.html Additional resource: https://accessibility.iu.edu/creating-content/multimedia/transcripts-captions.html
Thinking about today’s lecture, do you plan on using any examples or anecdotes about your childhood or daily life that may cause students to feel excluded for economic reasons? (e.g., talking about pricey gadgets or vacation travel as normal) Even if you know that you did not experience these things and are simply using them as an example, students don’t know that and can assume you are referring to them in a normative way.
Workshop Reminder:
Feel free to bring a laptop or similar device to follow along with the discussion.
Topic: Examining Different Approaches to Using Video in Your Courses
Date: Tuesday, 10/11/2022
Time: 2PM – 3PM
Featured Facilitator: Meghan Porter (CHEM)
Location: School of Public Health Room 154
Description: Dr. Porter used Kaltura Quizzes in her 160-person flipped class since Fall 2018 (pre-covid). She transitioned to using PlayPosit for both her 700 person (350/section) and 160 in person courses in Fall 2021. She will discuss the advantages students experienced from her course transformation, demonstrate how she quickly developed videos assessments, as well as discuss the differences between using PlayPosit and Kaltura. Feel free to identify a video clip you may have saved in Kaltura, that you would like to transform with PlayPosit during this session.
Download a calendar invite here – https://events.iu.edu/siceiub/event/680796
Topic: Using Virtual Portfolios to Celebrate Student Work
Tools: Zion
Date: Friday, 10/21/2022
Time: 2:30PM – 3:30PM
Location: Zoom
Featured Facilitator: Logan Paul (INFO)
In this workshop Senior Lecturer Logan Paul will discuss Zion, a tool that he developed during the pandemic, that allows students to present their work in a virtual format. He will describe the benefits of using this tool and explore the ways courses can use the tool to celebrate and share summative achievements. Faculty can also use this tool as part of their teaching portfolio to demonstrate what student success looks like in their classes.
Download a calendar invite here – https://go.iu.edu/4wSq
Just Added!
Topic: Managing Class Projects in Microsoft Teams
Tools: Microsoft Teams
Date: Thursday, 10/27/2022
Time: 1:00PM – 2:00PM
Location: Myles Brand Hall Room 100A (Tentatively)
Featured Facilitator: Bree Josefy (BUS)
Description: Dr. Josefy discusses the practicalities and benefits of using Microsoft Teams as a part of group assignments.
Posted on by akesha
Tips for Successful Team Management
Teamwork can increase knowledge and skills in ways that enhance individual learning. Teams need to be formed, guided, and managed carefully and deliberately in order to achieve desired learning objectives.
Here are some additional tips that can increase the likelihood of success of teamwork techniques as paraphrased by Oakley, et al. (2004) and Felder & Brent (2016, p. 255).
Posted on by akesha
Topic: Helping Student Develop Conceptual and Computational Thinking Skills
Tool: Miro
Date: Friday 9/23/2022 Note Updated Date
Time: 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM
Featured Facilitator: Jennifer Terrell (INFO)
Location: Luddy Hall, Room 4063
Description: Dr. Terrell will lead a discussion of how Miro can be used to help students dig into an idea in detail. Concept mapping in Miro can be used to help push students to explore subtopics, understand relationships, and organize thoughts in a logical and systematic way. Dr. Terrell will demonstrate how she has used Miro in her teaching practice to help students develop conceptual thinking skills, as well as how it can be used hone computational thinking skills.
Download a calendar invite here – https://events.iu.edu/siceiub/event/680807
Upcoming Workshops:
Topic: Supporting Student Engagement in Online Courses
Tool: Inscribe
Date: Wednesday 9/28/2022
Time: 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM
Featured Facilitator: Saúl Blanco (CSCI)
Location: Myles Brand Hall , Room 100A
Description: Discuss ways to increase engagement in asynchronous online courses for online courses with a diverse range of students. Approaches include optional synchronous courses that allow student to connect that are recorded for students who are able to attend and the use of Inscribe for conversation, as well as the strategic scheduling and use of office hours.
Topic: Examining Different Approaches to Using Video in Your Courses
Date: Tuesday, 10/11/2022
Time: 2PM – 3PM
Featured Facilitator: Meghan Porter (CHEM)
Location: School of Public Health Room 154* Tentative
Description: Dr. Porter used Kaltura Quizzes in her 160-person flipped class since Fall 2018 (pre-covid). She transitioned to using PlayPosit for both her 700 person (350/section) and 160 in person courses in Fall 2021. She will discuss the advantages students experienced from her course transformation, demonstrate how she quickly developed videos assessments, as well as discuss the differences between using PlayPosit and Kaltura. Feel free to identify a video clip you may have saved in Kaltura, that you would like to transform with PlayPosit during this session.
Download a calendar invite here – https://events.iu.edu/siceiub/event/680796
Topic: Using Virtual Portfolios to Celebrate Student Work
Tools: Zion
Date: Friday, 10/21/2022
Time: 2:30PM – 3:30PM
Location: Zoom
Featured Facilitator: Logan Paul (INFO)
In this workshop Senior Lecturer Logan Paul will discuss Zion, a tool that he developed during the pandemic, that allows students to present their work in a virtual format. He will describe the benefits of using this tool and explore the ways courses can use the tool to celebrate and share summative achievements. Faculty can also use this tool as part of their teaching portfolio to demonstrate what student success looks like in their classes.
Download a calendar invite here – https://go.iu.edu/4wSq
Posted on by akesha
Posted on by akesha