Retrieval practice is one of the most effective methods of learning and remembering information for long-term use. During retrieval practice, students “retrieve” what they know about a topic or lesson out of their memory. Retrieval practice requires effort on the part of the student to recall specific information, which is beneficial to improving learning and strengthening students’ memory. Retrieval practice can be “…a no-stakes learning opportunity that increases student performance, beyond formative and summative assessments” (Agarwal & Bain, 2019, p.4).In general, giving students multiple opportunities for practice and retrieval will break up a lecture with short brain breaks and prove valuable in the effective learning process. If we can work these methods into our instruction and teach students how to use them on their own, our students stand a much better chance of actually remembering our material (Gonzalez).Effective Learning and Studying Strategies Examples adapted from ASEE:
Description Classroom Application(s) Retrieval Practice Students retrieve information without aids. Students pull what they know about a topic, concept, or lesson out of their head.
Promotes memory and retention.
Flash cardsBrain dumps/
Jot recallTop Hat
Jot Recall (Oakley, et al., 2021, p. 12-13) Students check understanding of concept by recalling information without aids. Promotes retrieval and spaced repetition to reinforce long-term memory.
Can be used in class or out of class as a study technique.
Pause and have students use a blank piece of paper to recall concepts by writing notes or making a drawing Have students compare and discuss with a small group
Spaced Practice (Gonzalez, 2016)
Students space out studying over time, instead of cramming. The ‘forgetting’ that takes place between study breaks is reinforced when students start studying again, which reinforces learning.
Review information from each class Create a rhythm in class with lesson, break, review
Create a study calendar for students
Notetaking (Oakley, et al., 2021, pp. 25, 30- 31)
Students are offered handouts or outlines of lecture materials to assist with notetaking. Helps students actively engage with class material, instead of struggling to make sense of content and take notes at the same time.
Provides better studying references.
Give students an outline or handout of lecture materials and allow them to fill in gaps Speak slowly, pause, and provide cues for important concepts
Scaffolding (Alber, 2011 and “Scaffolding,” n.d.) Students move incrementally (via ‘scaffolds’) towards a deeper understanding of material. Allows students to gradually build understanding.
Consider that students come to your classroom with varying backgrounds, experiences, and abilities.
Hybrid or flipped classrooms
Chunking informationGive brain breaks
Allow students to choose different types of problems
Varied Practice (Oakley,, et al., 2021, p. 7) Incorporating opportunities for students to practice what they’re learning in different ways and contexts. Helps students consolidate material.
Aids long-term memory.
Provide frequent, active learning periods Break up the lesson
Pomodoro Technique (Moon, 2020) Tasks are broken into four 25-min. time blocks, with a 15 – 30-min. break to follow. Helps encourage full concentration and discourage multi-tasking and procrastination.
Can be used in class or outside of class as studying technique. Ask students to turn off their phones for both.
Journaling/Independent writing Complex group projects with logical phases
Elaboration (Gonzalez, 2016)
Students take the time to ask themselves complex and open-ended questions about the content they are learning or studying. This improves learning and goes beyond simple recall of information.
Think-Pair-Share Connect theory with real-life applications
Compare and contrast ideas Engage students in discussion
Interleaving (Gonzalez, 2016)
Students switch between different ideas when studying. This is more challenging than continuing to study the same concept over and over again, leading to more mistakes, but increased critical thinking ability.
Make links between different concepts from earlier lessons Plan activities that include a variety of skills or concepts
Concrete Examples (Gonzalez, 2016) Students come up with their own relevant examples to make sense of abstract ideas. This is a unique approach, as the examples are usually provided by the instructor.
Storytelling can provide everyday applications to new topics Encourage students to think of how the content relates to them
Dual Coding (Gonzalez, 2016)
Students combine words with visual aids when learning and studying, making connections between the two. This helps reinforce complex concepts.
Utilize visual images, auditory explanations, text, and kinesthetic modes of presenting the same material Ask students to create their own visuals
Active Learning in CS
Active Learning is a term that is almost used generically when we discuss educational interventions. McConnell (1996) defined active learning in the computer science classroom as approaches that “…get students involved in activity in the classroom rather than passively listening to a lecture. Kramer and Nicoletti (2023) note in an article discussing the positive impacts of an active learning approach in the mathematics classroom that it also allows students to “work together to solve problems and explain ideas to each other. Active learning is about understanding the “why” behind a subject versus merely trying to memorize it… [However] a vexing challenge in calculus instruction – and across the STEM disciplines – is broad adoption of active learning strategies that work.”
Linked Lists (“Scavenger Hunt”). Students participate in a “scavenger hunt” around the lab. Students begin with a paper note with a location written on one side and a clue written on the other side. The location represents the contents of the linked list node, and the clue represents the pointer, which gives a hint to where the next note is located. The last note contains the clue “NULL” to specify that it is the end of the list. Afterward, students hold the paper notes and physically simulate different linked list operations, such as inserting a node into the middle of a list and deleting nodes in different positions. The peer mentor then draws out an ArrayList. The participants compare and contrast both list data structures in a wrap-up discussion.
Stacks and Queues (“Serving Pancakes”). The peer mentor begins with a review of terms. Then the class simulates a queue by lining up to be served from a stack of paper “pancakes.” Students are then divided into small groups to discuss and write pseudocode for how objects (student and pancake) would use stack or queue data structures. Additional prompts are presented, such as how to get to the pancake at the bottom of a stack. A discussion compares stacks and queues with other data structures (e.g., arrays and lists).
Recursion (“Russian Dolls”).The peer mentor reviews a math factorial example before moving into an analogy of nested Russian dolls. Students are asked how the total number of dolls could be counted, or how to determine if a doll of a certain color exists within the set. In small groups, students write pseudocode for recursive methods; the peer mentor circulates to answer questions before groups explain their pseudocodes.
Binary Trees (“Storytelling”).The peer mentor explains binary trees and the different ways they can be created, then introduces a storytelling activity. Participants tell a chronological story by numbering sentences, each depicting a story event, and placing them in a binary tree structure; the root node is the “present,” the left node is the “past,” and the right node is the “future.” The activity first creates a balanced binary tree, before participants create an unbalanced binary tree where are there no left nodes, so they can address insertion and traversal.
Program Design (“Let’s Build a Museum”). The aim is to demonstrate how one program can be designed in several different ways using a museum curation analogy. Participants sort through a list of items that may be exhibited in a museum and group them via appropriate exhibits: Individual display pieces are variables; exhibits represent classes; and sub-exhibits (such as “airplanes” within “transportation”) represent inheritance or interfaces. Students work as a whole class, then in smaller groups, and then the peer mentor facilitates a wrap-up discussion.
Mergesort (“Automotive Sorting”). Participants work with a simulation involving numbered toy cars that can change lanes on a multi-lane highway. The peer mentor demonstrates how lane changes can represent the splits and merges in the mergesort algorithm before each student takes control of a car, and the class works together to order the cars on the highway. The class then practices with pseudocode to examine the recursive nature of the algorithm before discussing common mistakes and debugging strategies.
Trying something new in your course
- Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Teaching and Learning
- AI in the Administration/Management of Online Enterprises
- Digital Transformation
- Online Enterprise Administration and Leadership
- Strategic Enrollment Management
Learner Engagement and Supports
Emerging Technologies (VR, AR, etc.)
- Learning/Instructional Design and Development
- Personalized and Adaptive Learning
- Microcredentials and Credential Innovations
- Assessment & Evaluation
- Instructor & Faculty Professional Development
- Research & Emerging Topics
- Student Success, Inclusivity, Accessibility/UDL, and Equity
- Regulatory Landscape, Policy, and Compliance
End of the Semester Tips
The following are a few ideas adapted from the SUNY Teaching and Learning center, that may help you prepare for the Spring semester, and/or update your teaching portfolio:
Keep a copy of your syllabus and each assignment you design
Your teaching portfolio may include a range of syllabi and assignments you’ve designed. Make sure you keep a copy of syllabi, assignments, and assessments so that you have as many options as possible to choose from for your teaching portfolio. As the semester ends, you might make small notes about the genesis of a certain syllabus theme or assessment. These brief notes may prove useful later when you are asked to talk about your approach to teaching or ways you have developed as an instructor.
Is there an article?
Think about the larger impact of practices from your courses this semester. Did you try something new: a new assignment? A new classroom design? Reflect on your pedagogical practices and what new learning experiences they opened up. Is there something you want to write about and share with other instructors?
There are several journals geared toward articles about pedagogical practices, including the International Journal of Designs for Learning
Think about revision
It’s possible that you might teach this course again or a course in which you’ll use similar activities or assignments. Even if you don’t think you’ll teach this course in the next semester, take a few minutes to think about what you want to keep, what you want to revise and keep, and what you want to toss totally when you teach the course again.
If you annotated your syllabus throughout the semester, then read through those notes and make a ‘to do’ list or a quick summary of them so that, when you return to planning, you have some guidelines for how to jump back in.
If you didn’t annotate your syllabus, take a few minutes to jot down a few notes about what readings, assignments, and so forth that you absolutely want to keep, or what new ideas you have that you want to try next time. Think about the feedback you received from students through both formal and informal evaluations. How can you incorporate this feedback into your next class?
A small pocket of time at the end of the semester can help you get ahead for the next semester.
Record of grades & attendance
Students may come to you a semester, a year, or even a couple of years after you’ve had them in your class. You’ll likely have engaged with dozens or hundreds of students since then, and the records you keep will be helpful in refreshing your memory.
Consider keeping any of the following that are not stored in Canvas:
any unreturned papers (such as final exams, final papers, etc)
- your attendance records
- course syllabus, grading policy documents, and all rubrics and assignments
- student emails (you don’t need to print them, but perhaps keep them in a mailbox folder)
Sample Papers and Standout Examples
You might want to keep a few papers on hand as examples to share with a class or models that you can work through, critique or peer review with future students. Make sure you get each student’s permission and preference for name/no name on the paper. You might consider sending out an announcement or including on your syllabus that all work that is submitted can be used anonymously for “future educational purposes,” and asking that students who wish to be excluded from this policy email you. Additionally, if there are standout examples you might want to keep them for your teaching portfolio.
As always, please let me know if I can support you in any of the efforts mentioned above.
Teach AI
Create a vision statement or set of principles and beliefs.
Integrate AI guidance into academic integrity, privacy, and responsible use policies.
Inform classroom practice, school policies, and professional development.
Purpose: Use AI to help all students achieve educational goals.
Compliance: Reaffirm adherence to existing policies.
Knowledge: Promote AI literacy.
Balance: Realize the benefits of AI and address the risks.
Integrity: Advance academic integrity.
Agency: Maintain human decision-making when using AI.
Evaluation: Regularly assess the impacts of AI.
- Guidance Leads to Transformation: Guidance and policies coupled with organizational learning can set the stage for improvement and transformation across the system.
- Don’t Ban AI, #TeachAI: The AI Guidance for Schools Toolkit aids education systems in a thoughtful transition to guiding the safe, effective, and responsible use of AI.
- Realize the Benefits and Address the Risks: Rather than just acknowledge the opportunities and risks of AI in education, the toolkit provides suggestions for mitigating risks so potential benefits can also be realized.
Teaching Workload Planner
This customizable Teaching Workload Planner was designed by Loleen Berdahl, the executive director of the Johnson Shoyama Graduate School of Public Policy (Universities of Saskatchewan and Regina) to help faculty work through a personal plan for navigating their teaching load.
Strategies for developing assignments
Suggestions for minimizing academic misconduct,
Interactive Lecturing
Providing students with a “Preview of Class” slide, which offers students a snapshot of what to expect during course. (This is an advance organizer)
A reflective question that allows students to think about the items mentioned in the preview slide and time to write down what they know about the topic based on their own experiences (Activating prior knowledge).
The instructor allows a few students to share their reflections, and where possible, makes connections between their reflections and the required reading. As the lecture continues (over 3 hours) she continues to highlight connections. “Over time, students’ comments become increasingly stitched into the lesson’s tapestry”.
Keep lectures brief. Resist the urge to lecture expansively. Few students can sustain interest and attention during them. Opting for shorter lectures—or brief bursts of lecture throughout lessons—can maintain student engagement and help students better access your expertise. You might also consider the benefits of an “unpolished lecture” for the lesson or your discipline.
Guide students into lectures. Give students time to arrive at a place of focus. Activate students’ prior knowledge. Center their experiences. Invite students to position themselves within a lecture’s key questions, problems, and concepts. Steps like these can provide helpful scaffolding before a lecture, allowing students to better access new information.
Offer students multiple ways to engage…from quiet reflection and small group discussion to a metacognitive exercise. Consider interspersing lectures with a similar level of variety to keep students on their toes and welcome all types of learners into lessons.
Exercise transparency with students. Demystify your field—and your teaching practice—by exposing your thought processes and rationales to students. Use lectures to model how experts think through problems in their disciplines. In addition, making clear why a particular assignment holds value for one’s intellectual development can improve student motivation.
Try metacognition. Successful students self-regulate and are highly attuned to their thought processes. This helps them to focus during class and persist through challenging content and tasks. Kimberly Tanner recommends explicitly teaching students metacognitive strategies like keeping reflective journals or having students track confusion in their thinking. You might also try modeling metacognitive processes yourself during your lectures.
Tell stories that stick. The stories we tell our students can mean the difference in their understanding and retaining a given concept. Humor, when deployed appropriately, can have the same effect Make your stories conversational but concise, as too many details may distract from key points and keep students from seeing their conceptual relevance.
- A searchable and sortable library of “raw clips” that faculty developers and others leading professional learning can use as text for rich conversations about effective teaching practices.
- A new module on Educating for Equity and Inclusion, featuring four pathways which instructors can utilize individually or as part of a learning community.
- Three new professionally-edited “IM Live” videos, each of which showcases a demonstration of teaching followed by a facilitated debrief with the featured faculty member.
- An updated and expanded facilitator’s guide detailing ways to leverage site content, including all three of the new types of resources described above.
Exam Debrief
Part 1: Students looked carefully at the questions they missed and tried to determine why each question was missed.Part 2: Students then examined the questions to see if there was a pattern emerging. Did they miss questions for the same reason?Part 3: Students prepared a brief description of how they studied for the exam, including the amount of time devoted to studying.Part 4: Based on the information gleaned so far, students identified what changes they thought they could make that might help them better prepare for the next exam. They were given a list of areas where changes could be made:
- time on task,
- attending to detail,
- using active learning strategies, and
- general study habits.
- (Examples were given in each of these areas; see additional questions in the example linked above).
- Include a debrief questionnaire on the last page of the exam.
- Distribute a debrief questionnaire when corrected exams are returned.
- Allow class time to fill out a debrief questionnaire.
- Make the debrief questionnaire an online assignment.
2023 State of Student Success and Engagement in Higher Education
- Are students satisfied with the existing skills-based learning opportunities for lifelong learning?
- What tools best support student success and engagement and how can they be leveraged across the education landscape?
- With technology being so immersed in the student experience, how can institutions address barriers to access and provide educators with the support they need inside and outside the classroom
- How are faculty across the globe being supported through changes in their industry?
Related Resource:
Quick Tip: Course Map Guides
A course map is a visual representation of the ways in which your course instruction and assignments align with the learning objectives. Mapping your course allows you to identify where students are learning key concepts and skills, and to make decisions about formative and summative assessments. This Online Course Mapping Guide developed at UC San Diego, provides faculty with resources and templates for online course development, beginning with a curriculum analysis and resulting in a course map that displays the alignment of all components of a course.