Retrieval practice is one of the most effective methods of learning and remembering information for long-term use. During retrieval practice, students “retrieve” what they know about a topic or lesson out of their memory. Retrieval practice requires effort on the part of the student to recall specific information, which is beneficial to improving learning and… Read more »
Study Skills
Incorporating metacognitive practices into your class
Dr. Sandra McGuire is an expert in supporting faculty in helping students learn how to learn in their class. She argues that most students come to college underprepared. Specifically, she advocates for metacognitive equity, or closing the gap between students who use metacognition (effective thinking and learning strategies) and those who do not. ( She argues… Read more »
Teaching Tip: Assignment Deadlines
Hannah R. Snyder, Assistant Prof. of Psychology at Brandeis University, is interested in understanding risk and resilience factors for mental health in college students and young adults, focusing on how stress, cognitive function (especially executive function), and coping strategies interact, given that adolescence and emerging adulthood (early 20s) are periods of heightened risk for mental health… Read more »