A couple of weeks ago I shared resources on how to prepare to discuss difficult topics in class. Within that post was a link to a Google Doc from the University of California, Santa Barbara. This doc compiled sample language from syllabi collected from different courses (with faculty permission) . The policies addressed in this document include:
- Late work
- Participation
- Plagiarism and academic integrity
- Intellectual property – course materials
- Accommodations for students with learning and physical differences
- Sample LGBTQ syllabus statement
- Use of Pronouns
- Non-discrimination policy
- Mental health
- Statement on sexual harassment
- Mandatory Reporting
- Difficult topics
Many of the policies have an explanation as to why the policies are in place, which help students not only understand the importance of the policies, but help them understand they are not arbitrary. It may be helpful to review how others have worded policies that align with those mentioned in the updated Start of the Semester Memo From the Office of the VPFAA as well as any other academic policies at IU.
Also, as you prepare for the semester, this syllabus checklist, adapted from “Starting the Semester on the Right Foot: 40 Concrete Ideas to Take Into the Classroom Tomorrow,” , might be helpful to make sure you cover everything you want students to know about your course and course/school/university policies.
If I do not see you before, have a very Happy New Year. As always, feel free to contact me so we can follow up on any of the points in this email or any instructional questions/concerns you may have.
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