Last year we discussed the importance of using the Student Engagement Roster (SERs) to provide students with timely feedback on how they are doing in your course. These reports also provide records of your observations and recommendations to academic advisors, who can look for patterns across all a student’s courses. This allows advisors to reach out to students in more targeted and supportive ways and develop a plan of action for success.
In this week (Week 3) of the semester, the SERS Site recommends that faculty consider giving students a diagnostic task that will help you identify students who may be struggling. It does not have to be factored into your grade. Use it to provide appropriate feedback in SER. In Week 4 of the semester, faculty should follow up with students to whom you gave feedback. See: and by Week 6, faculty should now submit Early Evaluation Grades through SER (This may also be done via the Faculty Center in One.IU.) The report is due on Due on the Sunday after the sixth week of classes.
Please let me know if you have any questions related to using the SER or
developing a diagnostic task as mentioned above.
developing a diagnostic task as mentioned above.
Save the Dates!
Please join us for thoughtful discussions on how to use these technologies in your teaching practice. An abbreviated schedule is below:
Topic: Approaches to Engaging and Assessing Students
Tool: Top Hat
Date: Tuesday 9/13/2022
Time: 3:30 PM – 4:30 PM
Featured Facilitator: Alexis Peirce Caudell (INFO)
Location: Luddy Hall Room 3006
Topic: Helping Student Develop Conceptual and Computational Thinking Skills
Tool: Miro
Date: Friday 9/23/2022
Time: 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM
Featured Facilitator: Jennifer Terrell (INFO)
Location: Luddy Hall, Room 4063
Topic: Examining Different Approaches to Using Video in Your Courses
Date: Tuesday, 10/11/2022
Time: 2PM – 3PM
Featured Facilitator: Meghan Porter (CHEM)
Location: School of Public Health Room 154* Tentative
More topics/presenters will be added soon (Microsoft Teams, Zion, InScribe, etc…). Have a request for a discussion topic? Want to lead a discussion about your experience with a teaching tool? Email so we can develop your idea.
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