The Center for New Designs in Learning and Scholarship at Georgetown University recently launched an Inclusive Pedagogy Toolkit. The kit looks at different aspects of teaching (pedagogy, content, assessments, climate, and power) and provides several key strategies for making classrooms inclusive, equitable, and meaningful. Each aspect has 3-4 key takeaways. For example, in the content section, the following themes are explored:
- To the extent possible, include a wide range of perspectives, experiences, and backgrounds in your course materials—and be attentive to the costs and accessibility of materials;
- Voice a wide range of perspectives yourself;
- Be transparent on content choices/course design; be explicit about organization and narrative of the course;
- Name and discuss the agenda(s) and historical biases of your field/department.
For each theme, users of this toolkit are provided with an explanation of why the point is important, and strategies for implementation.
As you already know, in education, there is no one-size fits all approach to teaching. Best practices are the baseline and differentiation may be necessary based on all of the factors impacting your course. So let’s discuss at the next quick chat on Monday, April 5th, 2021, at 10:00 AM (please note the earlier time): 9550537245
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