In September and November, the Indiana Resource Center for Autism and Purdue Autism Research Center will be sponsoring a workshop on Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) strategies in a range of school settings. “Content is relevant for certified and non-certified staff, including general and special educators, paraprofessionals, school psychologists, social workers, early childhood providers, autism leaders,… Read more »
Tag: educators
PEERS Certified® School-Based Training Seminar
The Indiana Resource Center for Autism, in Collaboration with MSD of Washington Township, is offering the PEERS® Certified School-Based Training Seminar this fall. The seminar “is designed to instruct educators and school-based professionals on the administration and implementation of the educator-facilitated PEERS® for Adolescents intervention in a school-based setting. This certified training provides a model… Read more »
April is Autism Awareness Month
April is Autism Awareness Month and the folks at the Indiana Resource Center for Autism and the Autism Society of Indiana have published a tip sheet for working with individuals on the spectrum. The sheet includes general tips, tip for parents and caregivers, and tips for school personnel. To read the tip sheet, please visit:
Facilitating evidence-based practice for students with ASD
“The heart of this unique resource is an efficient Classroom Observation Tool developed by the authors (in collaboration with classroom teachers and administrators), which helps support school teams in implementing evidence-based practices for teaching students with ASD. After uncovering strengths and needs with the tool, educational leaders can use the practical guidelines and strategies in… Read more »
Eight paths to leadership: A guide for special educators
“Administrators aren’t the only education professionals who can take on leadership roles. Every teacher can be a leader—and this book shows special educators how to choose and navigate their own individual path to educational leadership. “Author Belva Collins, a seasoned educator herself, knows that many special education teachers are called on as “leaders by default”… Read more »