April is Autism Acceptance Month and the Library has quite a few newer titles on the autism spectrum to offer. These titles cover the lifespan, and Hoosiers can check them out by emailing us at libiidc@indiana.edu or calling us at 800-437-7924.
Autism in Heels: The Untold Story of a Female Life on the Spectrum / Jennifer Cook O’Toole; foreword by Navah Paskowitz-Asner.
The Autism Relationships Workbook: How to Thrive in Friendships, Dating, and Love / Faith G. Harper, PhD, LPC-S, ACS, ACN & Joe Biel.
The Autistic Trans Guide to Life / Yenn Purkis & Wenn Lawson; foreword by Dr. Emma Goodall.
FLIPP 2.0: Mastering Executive Function Skills from School to Adult Life for Students with Autism / Carol Burmeister, Rebecca Silva, Sheri Wilkins; foreword by Brenda Smith Myles.
How to be Human: An Autistic Man’s Guide to Life / Jory Fleming with Lyric Winik.
I Have Been Buried under Years of Dust: A Memoir of Autism and Hope / Valerie Gilpeer & Emily Grodin.
Improving Your College Experience: A Workbook for Students on the Autism Spectrum / Dr. Linda Murdock; foreword by Sandy Petrovic.
Older Autistic Adults, in their Own Words: The Lost Generation / Wilma Wake, Ph. D., LCSW, Eric Endlich, Ph. D., Robert S. Lagos; foreword by Stephen Mark Shore.
The Neurodivergent Job Candidate: Recruiting Autistic Professionals / Marcia Scheiner and Joan Bogden.
What to Say Next: Successful Communication in Work, Life and Love with Autism Spectrum Disorder / Sarah and Larry Nannery.
Autism Parent Handbook: Start with the End Goal in Mind / Raun Melmed, MD, Wendela Marsh, MA, BCBA, RSD; foreword by Temple Grandin.
Life After Lockdown: Resetting Perceptions of Autism / edited by Rebecca Silva, Ruth Prystash, René DeLoss, and Carol Burmeister; foreword by Peter Vermeulen.
Navigating Autism: 9 Mindsets for Helping Kids on the Spectrum / Temple Grandin, Debra Moore.
The Survival Guide for Kids with Autism Spectrum Disorder (and their Parents) / Elizabeth Verdick & Elizabeth Reeve, M.D.
Turn Autism Around: An Action Guide for Parents of Young Children with Early Signs of Autism / Mary Lynch Barbera, Ph.D., RN, BCBA-D.
Underestimated: An Autism Miracle / J. B. Handley and Jamison Handley.
Autism and the Power of Music: A New Approach that Lets Children Help Themselves / Yasmine L. White, Sonia Belasco.
Improvised Theatre and the Autism Spectrum: A Practical Guide to Teaching Social Connection and Communication Skills / Gary Kramer and Richie Ploesch.
The JASPER Model for Children with Autism: Promoting Joint Attention, Symbolic Play, Engagement, and Regulation / Connie Kasari, Amanda C. Gulsrud, Stephanie Y. Shire, and Christina Strawbridge.
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