This week in the internship was a little different than we had initially planned, due to some staff being out sick, unexpected reshoots, and patron requests. So instead, this week was more of the same as the two previous weeks for me. I processed a few patron orders (a French army officer corresponding about a battle in Vietnam), a few reshoots of some of the items from the Flora and Fauna exhibition, a manuscript from the Latin American mss collection (a 1794 manuscript from Mexico, pictured below), and some of the Welles photography collection (including some pretty scandalous things, which I cannot post here). The 1794 manuscript was pretty thick and totaled over 550 images once I finished scanning it.

One of the new things we did talk about briefly was how to do white balancing on images in Lightroom. By using the light tent we’re able to soften the light and reduce the number of shadows our lighting setup projects, but there are still some edits that need to be done before the images are ready to be posted online or used in promotional material. I’m hoping to be able to do a little more work with the camera next week and would like to learn more about photo editing and metadata!
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