By Justin Lehmiller Research suggests that sex could potentially be good for us in a lot of ways. For example, studies have found that, among men, frequent orgasms are linked to enhanced immune system functioning [1], a lower risk of prostate cancer [2], as well as a lower risk of premature death [3]. In addition,… Read more »
Tag: quality of sex
When It Comes To Sex, Quality Matters More Than Quantity
By Justin Lehmiller What makes for a satisfying marriage? Previous studies have found that couples who have sex more often tend to be happier. In other words, how we feel about our relationships would seem to depend, at least in part, on how much sex we’re having. However, those studies didn’t necessarily take both… Read more »
How “Feeling Old” Can Affect the Quality of Your Sex Life
By Dr. Justin Lehmiller How does sex change as we get older? Although many studies have looked at this question over the years, they have pretty much all addressed it from the same angle: how do the physical changes that occur as we age affect the experience of sex? The basic storyline that has emerged from these… Read more »