~By Justin Lehmiller What is a day in the life of a sex researcher like? In this interview series, I talk to some of the world’s foremost authorities on sex in order to answer this question, but also to provide a glimpse into what they’re currently working on, what the media tends to get wrong… Read more »
Tag: orgasm
Bad Orgasms: Orgasms Are Not A Universally Positive Experience
By Justin Lehmiller How does someone feel when they have an orgasm? If you’re like most people, you probably said that they feel pretty darn good. This makes sense because there’s a widespread tendency to assume that orgasms necessarily equal pleasure. This association is so strong that pleasure is actually embedded in the definition of… Read more »
What “Counts” As Masturbation? It Depends Who You Ask
By Justin Lehmiller Masturbation is a behavior that sex researchers, educators, and therapists often talk about; however, they usually don’t specify what they mean by it. For such a commonly used term, it might be tempting to think that you wouldn’t need to define it because everyone probably has the same definition in mind, such… Read more »
People Are Happier And Report More Meaning In Life On Days They Have Sex
By Justin Lehmiller Research suggests that sex could potentially be good for us in a lot of ways. For example, studies have found that, among men, frequent orgasms are linked to enhanced immune system functioning [1], a lower risk of prostate cancer [2], as well as a lower risk of premature death [3]. In addition,… Read more »
How Often Do Women Orgasm During Sex?
By Justin Lehmiller What percent of the time do women reach orgasm during vaginal intercourse? Multiple studies have been published on this topic, but the results have varied consideriably, making it difficult to draw firm conclusions. Why have the findings been so different from one study to the next? According to recent research in the… Read more »