Melinda Baird has performed in Paris, Salzburg, Banff, Israel, and Carnegie’s Weill Hall. Dallas Morning News declares her playing “poetic and tasteful”, Ft. Worth Star Telegram, “fiery (yet) lusciously voiced”, and Deseret News, “spectacularly detailed…brilliant clarity and big-hall spaciousness.” An avid chamber player, Melinda has collaborated with members of Baltimore Symphony, Chicago Symphony and Indianapolis Symphony, and soloed with Utah Symphony, Spokane Symphony, and Ft. Collins Symphony.
Dr. Baird serves as Director of Piano Programs at Levine Music in Washington DC. Her students have won national awards, and performed in Embassies of France, Austria, Italy, Mexico, and Netherlands. Melinda received a doctorate from the IU Jacobs School under Menahem Pressler, serving as his assistant and receiving the Chancellor’s Fellowship and Edwards Fellowship. Melinda’s latest solo CD on Encore Classics, has been released on iTunes. Her Christmas CD with violinist daughter, Shaundra is on iTunes.