Between 1903 and 1926 the Victor Talking Machine Company deployed more than twenty sound recording expeditions to all over Latin America and the Caribbean. Sergio Ospina Romero new book, La conquista discográfica de América Latina, is the first comprehensive cultural history of those expeditions and, by way of them, of the dawn of the sound recording business in the region; a fascinating tale of imperialism, sound technology, and untranslatable jokes. The original manuscript of the book was awarded an honorary mention at the 2020 Premio de Musicología de Casa de las Américas.
Book Launch Event!
Join Prof. Ospina Romero on October 14, at 7pm, at Redbud Books, to learn more about this book and the histories that dwell among its pages. Besides a conversation between the author and IU Professor Diana Ojeda, the evening promises live music with Palonegro and Colombian/Venezuelan Arepas.
Find more info about it on the Facebook Event!

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