The Historical Performance Institute of the Indiana University Jacobs School of Music invites the submission of abstracts for its seventh-annual international conference—”Historical Performance: Theory, Practice, and Interdisciplinarity”—to be held in person (and online) at the Indiana University Bloomington campus, May 27-29, 2022. Since its inception, the event has attracted attendants from over a dozen countries.
This three-day gathering will again bring together scholar-performers (and performer-scholars) to present new research and methodological approaches, engage in conversation, and consider emergent areas in field research. Prospective participants working within academic disciplines adjacent to music are especially encouraged to submit proposals. Running in parallel with the conference proceedings will be the Bloomington Early Music Festival (May 22-28), engaging the theme, “Celebrating Women in Early Music.”
Submission of Abstracts
Please send abstracts via email with the subject line—HPI Conference Abstract 2022—to Dr Michael Stiles (hpi@indiana.edu) no later than March 15, 2022. Receipt of all submissions will be acknowledged by email, with final notifications sent on March 25. Abstracts may focus on any subject relevant to historical performance, from the Middle Ages through to the early-twentieth century, including, but not limited to:
- Non-Western European performance traditions
- Ethnography and critical theory in historical performance research
- Cultural representations in early music scholarship and performance
- Historical improvisation
- Early music theory and performance
- Organology
- Source studies
- Early recorded sound
- HIP: modern relevance, entrepreneurship, and cultural production
Guidelines for abstracts (maximum 250 words):
Submissions should offer research at the doctoral (or post-doctoral) level, or at an equivalent level of expertise. Abstracts should be cogently written and concise, intelligible to non-specialists, and
- Propose an original, evidence-based argument or newly proposed conceptual framework with relevance to performance practice
- Show depth in familiarity with previous research linked to the proposed topic
- Articulate the research’s broader and/or specific contributions to the field
Papers run at a 30-minute maximum, with 10-15 minutes for questions and discussion. Email submissions should contain two copies of the abstract: one with the applicant’s name, email address, postal address, and institutional affiliation (or “independent scholar”), and a second version with no contact information included in the file/document.
A full conference schedule will be available by April 1. For those who wish to attend as auditors, please contact HPI administrator, Dr Michael Stiles (hpi@indiana.edu) for further details.
Registration Fees: $75, 3 days | $50, 2 days | $25, 1 day
Registration will open on March 1.
Discounts are available; please inquire.
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