Orange County has a population of roughly 19,646 people with a median age of 41.3 years old. 6.2% of the population is under age 5 years old, 22.7% under 18 years old, and 19.8% age 65 and older. Roughly 15.6% of the population in Orange County are considered living below the poverty line, with Females age 55-64 being the largest demographic living in poverty.
The most common jobs held by residents of Orange County, by number of employees, are Production Occupations (1,290 people), Management Occupations (933 people), and Office & Administrative Support Occupations (875 people). Compared to other counties, Orange County has an unusually high number of residents working as Production Occupations (2.64 times higher than expected), Construction & Extraction Occupations (1.71 times), and Material Moving Occupations (1.7 times). The highest paid jobs held by residents of Orange County, by median earnings, are Management Occupations ($49,191), Life, Physical, & Social Science Occupations ($48,533), and Computer, Engineering, & Science Occupations ($48,152).
The economy of Orange County employs roughly 8.44k people. The median household income is $45,341, and the median property value is $92,200. Males in Orange County have an average income that is 1.39 times higher than the average income of females. Employees in Orange County have a shorter commute time (24.4 minutes) than the normal US worker (25.1 minutes). Additionally, 3.63% of the workforce in Orange County have “super commutes”, which are in excess of 90 minutes.
90.6% of the population of Orange County has health coverage, with 44.8% on employee plans, 19.2% on Medicaid, 14.2% on Medicare, 10.4% on non-group plans, and 1.91% on military or VA plans. Primary care physicians in Orange County have an average yearly ratio of 1,960 patients: 1 physician, and mental health providers have an average yearly ratio of 2,148 patients: 1 provider.
83.3% of Orange County residents are high school graduates or higher, and 12.3% of residents have bachelor’s degrees or higher. 77.1% of households in the county have a computer present, and 64.9% have broadband Internet subscriptions. The school dropout rate is 17%
Out of the 19.6k population, the largest ethnic groups are White (94.5%), Hispanic or Latino (1.8%), Black or African American (1.7%), Two or More Races (1.3%), Asian (0.4%), and Native American (0.4%).
Orange County Highlights
Paoli Peaks
Paoli Peaks is located in the heart of southern Indiana. It is the perfect place for family and friends to experience the thrills and chills of skiing, snowboarding, and snow tubing! Arctic blast snow tubing is the ultimate activity for some serious group fun. It is perfect for all ages and ability levels because no experience or special equipment is required! The tubing facility is separate from the Ski and Board lodge, equipped with its own parking lot, ticket sales, and day lodge. Paoli Peaks is open 7 days a week from mid-December through mid-March.
Pioneer Mothers Memorial Forest
The Pioneer Mothers Memorial Forest is an 88-acre oak hickory forest located in Orange County, near Paoli. Identified as a surviving fragment of virgin Central Hardwood forest, a woodland type that largely vanished in the 1800s. It is a National Natural Landmark within the Hoosier National Forest. The old-growth woodlot is characterized by mature stands of white ash, white oak, tuliptree, and black walnut. The United States Forest Service (USFS) has measured several of these trees at 60 feet to the first limb and 50 inches in diameter at chest height. As many of these trees were harvested in pioneer times for firewood or construction timber, the Pioneer Mothers Memorial Forest was a valuable relic by the time it was set aside for conservation in 1944.
Wilstem Wildlife Park
Wilstem Wildlife Park can trace its beginnings back to 1915 when the property was purchased by Ed Ballard, a noted local entrepreneur who developed the area as a hideaway for wealthy and famous people. Ballard owned a large interest in the West Baden Springs Hotel, and he bought out circuses throughout the country, eventually forming the Hagenbeck-Wallace Circus. In 1989, the property got a new lease on life when it was purchased by Jerry Fuhs, a Southern Indiana entrepreneur. In the 2000’s Fuhs started making investments into the property over the next 10 years including new cabins, adding a covered bridge, and expanding barns. Now, Wilstem offers animals encounters, zip-lining, horseback riding, and on-sight lodging!
PaoliFest is a FREE music, and art festival set in the foothills of Southern Indiana. It is an invitation to create community over 2 days of extraordinary performances, collaborative art-making, and transformative experiences in the small town of Paoli. This upcoming year will feature performances from Harpeth Rising, JOSLYN & The Sweet Compression, RYANHOOD, KYSHONA, LEVEE, Sister Sinjin, and many more!
Spring Mill State Park
Spring Mill is one of the best preserved and well groomed parks in Indiana. The area offers natural wonders and man-made attractions, including the historic mill, a string of caves, three nature preserves, water features, campgrounds, boating, fishing, hiking, the 1930s Spring Mill Inn, and the Gus Grissom Memorial. Park visitors are first drawn to the Pioneer Village where a large stone grist mill overshadows a collection of 19 log cabins and shops. Various costumed interpreters even give an authentic appearance of a 19th century village!