Groupings within our General Education curriculum are assessed on a rotating basis so that each component is reviewed every 3rd semester, with a subset of individual courses being selected via systematic sampling — we strive to obtain assessment data from at least 50% of the relevant offerings during each assessment cycle.
The Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) to be assessed for each component (e.g., Quantitative Reasoning within the Fundamental Literacies category) should be identical for all offerings, and the SLOs should be included on all syllabi. SLOs and Essential Characteristics for each component can be found at the following URL: Essential Characteristics and Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs)
Instructors included in the systematic sample for a given cycle will be notified via email by a General Education Director and are to complete a Rubric Worksheet in order to submit their assessment. Students are assessed for each relevant SLO on the following scale of Assessment Levels, as indicated on the Rubric Worksheets:
- 0 (Does Not Meet);
- 1 (Introductory Level);
- 2 (Practicing); or
- 3 (Mastery).
Note that student names should not be included on the Rubric Worksheets — just the number of students that fall under each Assessment Level for each SLO.
It is up to each instructor to decide how to measure each SLO; some faculty have one signature assignment that is designed to meet and measure all SLOs, whereas others use multiple assignments for this purpose.
Be sure to clearly indicate the Number Assessed (number of students who have completed the course) on the worksheet. Do not include students who have withdrawn or have an FN in the course, but do include students who have completed the course even if they did not pass.
The following components will be assessed during the Fall 2023 semester, with each item listed below providing a hyperlink to download the corresponding Rubric Worksheet in .XSLX format:
- Fundamental Literacies: Oral Communication
- Fundamental Literacies: Quantitative Reasoning
- Fundamental Literacies: Critical Thinking
- Tagged Information Literacy
- Extended Literacies: Financial Literacy
Instructors selected for the systematic sample should complete the appropriate Rubric Worksheet and return it in response to the notification message.
Below is an example rubric completed for Quantitative Reasoning, for a hypothetical Number Assessed of 30 students: