If the proposal is for a completely new course, then initiating a new course request in CARMIn should be the first step in the proposal process, as it requires multiple routing steps and can take six months or more. Once the new course request has been made in CARMIn, submit a gen-ed proposal to the Senate General Education Committee.
If the proposal seeks gen-ed approval for an existing course, then proceed straight to submitting a gen-ed proposal to the Senate General Education Committee.
The CARMIn training guide (PDF) can be helpful; be sure to indicate “Yes” in response to the General Education Question near the end, as that will ensure that the request is properly routed to seek approval from the Senate General Education Committee:
Specifically, once the unit Curriculum Committee approves the course in CARMIn, it will be routed to the faculty General Education Directors, who will coordinate with the Senate General Education Committee and grant CARMIn approval upon favorable review by the Committee. At that point CARMIn will route the proposed course to the Senate Curriculum Committee.