Job Title:
Director, Assistant Professor of Women’s and Gender Studies
Civil Rights Heritage Center, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Contact Info:
1040 West Washington St.
South Bend, IN 46601
Focus Area(s):
Civil Rights and Social Justice, Community/Neighborhood Development, Education and Learning
Community Partners:
LGBTQ Center
Michiana Social Justice Coalition
Community Forum for Economic Justice
Imani Unidad
St. Joseph Valley Project Jobs with Justice
La Casa de Amistad
League of Women Voters of the South Bend Area
Motivations and Impact:
“I do community engaged work because there is a synergy, or dialectic, between my scholarship and the relationships that are built with communities. They each inform the other. I became a historian, not because of a fascination with the past, but I because I want to understand the present in order to change it so that our community and larger society is more just and equitable for everyone. In this sense I think of myself as an activist academic and see community-engagement as a practical complement to the more abstract work that traditionally happens in the academy.”