Congratulations to Indianapolis-based Apexian Pharmaceuticals, a clinical-stage biotech company that is developing novel compounds to treat cancer. It commercializes intellectual property discovered at the Indiana University School of Medicine.
Company officials announced that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has agreed that APX3330, the company’s investigational new drug, can be used to examine chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy, or CIPN. CIPN is a potential side effect of cancer treatment, occurring when chemotherapy or other cancer treatments damage a patient’s peripheral nerves, including those that control arm and leg movement.
Steve Carchedi, president and CEO of Apexian Pharmaceuticals, said, “We are very excited to receive this affirmation from the FDA indicating that our preclinical data will enable us to study both of these indications within a single study. It will really leverage the investments being made to develop this new cancer drug.”
More information about the FDA agreement on APX3330 is available online.