Aaron Gipson, a student at Indiana University East, is owner and designer of Redwood Media, an advertising, marketing and social solutions business. It provides companies with photography, video production, graphic design and social media services.
Crimson Catalyst: If a person has an idea for a business, what are the first three actions they should take to make it a reality?
Aaron Gipson: 1) Research similar businesses. 2) Set realistic goals, short term and long term. 3) Work hard toward short-term goals and then adjust accordingly toward long-term ones.
CC: What has surprised you during the course of your day-to-day entrepreneurial journey?
AG: Throughout my day-to-day entrepreneurial journey, what surprised me the most is the amount of time it takes to plan out and schedule things, which is crucial for operating a professional business.
CC: How do you define success?
AG: I define success as doing everything in my ability to achieve a goal.
CC: What is dangerous or scary about being an entrepreneur?
AG: Being dependent on a changing economy is definitely something every entrepreneur thinks about.
CC: What is the best advice you’ve received?
AG: Don’t get caught up in things that are not progressing your business.
CC: What is the best advice you can offer?
AG: Learn from other similar businesses and adopt their best practices.