Can robots be created with the ability to reason beyond the formalized rules and limits of their initial programming?
Assistant professor of computer science John Licato, who runs the Analogical Constructivism and Reasoning Lab at Indiana University Purdue University Fort Wayne, will investigate this challenge with a aid of a three-year, $360,000 grant awarded by the U.S. Air Force as part of its Young Investigator Research Program.
The funding is part of $20.6 million in grants directed to 56 scientists and engineers from 41 research institutions and small businesses who earned a Ph.D or equivalent degrees within the past five years who show “exceptional ability and promise for conducting basic research.”
“This grant not only raises the level of our engineering program, it also provides a great opportunity for the students to become involved in cutting-edge research with outstanding faculty,” said Beomjim Kim, professor and chair of IPFW’s Department of Computer Science.
Read more about Licato’s award here. For more information about the Air Force Young Investigator Research Program, click here.
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