University Hall on the campus of IUPUI is now the new home base for IU’s Office of the Vice President for Engagement.
The move, which took effect July 2, puts OVPE within close proximity to other key IU administrators, IUPUI researchers and unifies more of the OVPE team under one roof. Prior to the relocation, OVPE was headquartered on the 17th floor of 101 W. Ohio St. in downtown Indianapolis with additional staff a block away at 251 N. Illinois St. on the third floor of the Capital Center building.
“We’re now just down the hall from the chancellor’s office and are located within the heart of a vibrant and growing urban campus, as opposed to working out of an office tower off-campus. This move will help us engage stakeholders more effectively and efficiently as we strive to foster an innovative and entrepreneurial culture throughout all of IU’s campuses across the state.”
— Bill Stephan, IU’s Vice President for Engagement
A similar move to the IUPUI campus will soon follow for the IU Research and Technology Corp. from its current location at 351 W. Tenth St. in Indianapolis. Both OVPE and IURTC will continue to maintain office presence on the IU Bloomington campus as well.
University Hall opened May 1. Along with IUPUI administrative offices, the $23 million facility also houses IU’s Lilly Family School of Philanthropy, the IU School of Social Work and Indianapolis offices for both the IU Alumni Association and IU Foundation.
Updated contact information for OVPE, including the office’s new street address and new main phone number, is listed below. To contact key OVPE administrators, click here:
Office of the Vice President for Engagement
301 University Blvd., Suite 5035
Indianapolis, IN 46202-5146
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