IUPUI placed eighth in the U.S. and in the top ten percent world-wide for delivering on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) according to the 2023 Times Higher Education Impact Rankings. These are the only global performance metrics that assess universities against the goals framework. Notably, IUPUI continues maintaining its rank domestically and globally for the third year in a row, despite an additional 330+ universities submitting for the first time this year.
The Sustainable Development Goals framework is a collection of 17 goals, which are global calls to action leading to a better world for all. They serve as a cornerstone of the IUPUI Office of International Affairs’ comprehensive internationalization efforts, facilitating partnerships across all schools, departments, and units within IUPUI and beyond. In collaboration with IUPUI Sustainability, the office has been working to approach the goals by bringing all stakeholders within the university on board to tackle the 17 goals. This holistic approach addresses the local and global aspects at the heart of the United Nations 2030 Agenda’s five pillars: people, planet, prosperity, peace, and partnership.
This year’s report marks the beginning of a more comprehensive university-wide approach in how IU showcases its engagement with the goals, with all IU campuses reporting to the Impact Rankings for the first time. IU Bloomington ranked 22 in the U.S. and in the top twenty-five percent world-wide, a strong showing for their first evaluation. Submissions for the Impact Rankings include a mandatory report on SDG 17: partnerships for the goals. Universities’ national and global scores are based on their ranking in that goal, as well as their top three highest ranked goals.

Goal 17 was IUPUI’s highest rated, showing our strategic partnerships are making global connections that are actionable. IUPUI’s next highest rankings were for goals 3: good health and well-being, 5: gender equality, and 10: reduced inequalities. These are among the most reported on goals within the rankings, meaning that even against the stiffest competition, IUPUI continues to lead the way.
The progress being made also highlights the numerous areas where IUPUI is making an impact locally with partnerships like the McKinney School of Law’s Civil Practice Clinic and Re-entry Assistance and Community Help Clinic—as well as nationally and globally, with initiatives like the IU Center for Global Health Equity and AMPATH and the Lugar Center for Renewable Energy.
“I’m thrilled that our campus continues to excel in the areas that are recognized by the Times Higher Education Impact ranking, and am grateful to the many faculty, staff and students who work tirelessly to better our community and world through their research, teaching and service activities,” shared Kathy E. Johnson, executive vice chancellor and chief academic officer. “I’m also tremendously grateful to colleagues in the Office of Sustainability and the Office of International Affairs for gathering data and cataloguing these areas of activity that helped to garner this recognition.”

“The Impact Rankings are a strong validation that the values espoused by the Sustainable Development Goals are central to IUPUI’s identity. It is no surprise IUPUI excels in SDG 17: Partnership for the Goals, as collaboration is key to IUPUI’s sustainability successes,” said IU’s Interim University Director of Sustainability and Director of IUPUI Sustainability, Jessica Davis. “We could not earn this recognition without the countless efforts of students, faculty, and staff to infuse sustainability into their daily work. We should all be proud of what we have accomplished together.”
Explore more about how IUPUI is addressing the SDGs, read about the Times Higher Education’s ranking methodology, and view the complete Times Higher Education Impact Rankings.
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