Indiana University’s Global Gateway Network welcomes two IU faculty members to the team this semester. Professors Purnima Bose and Faridah Pawan will serve as academic director of the India and ASEAN Gateways respectively. They join a committed team of faculty and staff experts in each of the five Gateway countries and in Indiana who connect and support IU’s interactions around the globe.
Our academic directors play a critical role in IU’s global engagement by providing expert knowledge and advice to university leadership, and by helping connect our faculty and students find research and learning opportunities in their respective gateway country or region. Both Purnima and Faridah are highly respected scholars, their research is truly international and interdisciplinary, and I am certain both will contribute enormously to deepening IU’s engagement in India and across the ASEAN region.
Ally Batten, executive director, Global Gateway Network
IU India Gateway, New Delhi

“I am delighted to work with IU colleagues and those in India on academic initiatives that will enhance our knowledge of the subcontinent and increase global cooperation. I welcome the opportunity to connect students, faculty, and alumni in Indiana and India through the IU India Gateway, which is located in New Delhi, a historic city of magnificent monuments and vibrant universities.”
Professor Bose’s research has focused on exploring questions of agency, subjectivity, and conflict within larger geopolitical frameworks. She is the author of Organizing Empire: Individualism, Collective Agency, and India and Intervention Narratives: Afghanistan, the United States, and the Global War on Terror Her essays on Indian nationalism, the Indian diaspora, and conflict have appeared in journals, including Genders, The Journal of South Asian History and Culture, The Global South, and Situations: Cultural Studies in the Asian Context.
Her administrative experience includes chairing the International Studies Department for five years and directing the Cultural Studies Program for eight years.
IU ASEAN Gateway, Bangkok

“This is an exciting time for the IU ASEAN Gateway in Bangkok. The office is actively engaged with alumni and higher education institutions in the 10 member countries. I look forward to working with IU and ASEAN colleagues in support of continuing efforts to build academic capacity and promote internationalization and student mobility between our respective institutions.”
Professor Pawan’s area of expertise is Teacher Professional Development & Program Design. She researches & designs in-person and online professional development programs for professionals, including for ESL/EFL teachers and teacher educators. She has developed projects in multiple locations, including in Indiana school districts (US), in Beijing & Kunming (China), in Tetovo (Republic of N. Macedonia), San Ramon (Costa Rica), New Delhi (India) and in Istanbul (Turkey).
Her publications include books entitled, Engaging Students in Online Language Learning , The Pedagogy & Practice of Online Teaching; Teacher Training and Professional Development of Chinese English language teachers; The Pedagogy and Practice of Western-Educated Chinese English Language Teachers; and Collaborative Partnerships Among ESL and Classroom Teachers. Her articles have appeared in research journals such as the International Journal of Designs for Learning, TESOL Quarterly, Teaching & Teacher Education, and Journal of Ethnographic & Qualitative Research.
Multiple agencies have funded Professor Pawan’s research and development projects. They include the U.S. Department of Education, U.S. Department of State, and Indiana Department of Education. Professor Pawan’s current research projects involve culturally & linguistically-inclusive (CLI) online teaching and professional development.
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