About the IU Dry Eye Clinic
Indiana University School of Optometry (IUSO) is a world-class research and teaching facility, and our Bloomington Atwater Eye Care Center is a leader in outstanding eye and vision care for all types of patients. Doctors recognized for their expertise in dry eye combine that knowledge with leading edge technology available in our clinic. With these tools, our doctors can determine the underlying causes of your symptoms while also looking for signs of damage to the front surface of your eye from inflammation that is often associated with dry eye and other ocular surface diseases. A personalized treatment plan can then be created for dry eye sufferers targeting the underlying cause in order to best increase comfort and visual function.
Meet: Dr. Tichenor
Dr. Tichenor joined the IUSO faculty in October 2019 to diagnose and treat patients in the Dry Eye Clinic and to investigate dry eye disease through research and clinical studies. She graduated from Southern College of Optometry with a Doctor of Optometry degree, and then completed a PhD in Vision Science from the University of Alabama at Birmingham. With her PhD, she is uniquely trained to use and interpret diagnostic measures of the eye’s surface in order to understand the mechanisms of dry eye disease. This allows Dr. Tichenor to tailor a treatment plan that directly targets the root cause dry eye disease in her patients. She uses evidence-based medicine in her treatment strategies; that is, she integrates her clinical experience with the best available research information to create effective treatment plans for her patients.
About this Blog
This blog was created to provide a place for patients to go to learn more about our Dry Eye Clinic, the services and treatments we offer, and to provide patient-friendly education about dry eye disease. Dr. Tichenor or other invited doctors will periodically make posts here about various topics. Please let us know if there is something that you would like to learn more about!
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