The eLearning Services team (eLS) want to inform you of some upcoming changes in Canvas.
There is a Canvas [1] update scheduled for Saturday, January 18 between 8:00am and 12:00pm EST. Canvas will receive feature updates and bug fixes managed by the vendor (Instructure). Highlights in this update include:
- Updated Features:
- Direct Share: Share Canvas content with other instructors and courses without using the Commons [2]
- Gradebook: Utilize additional filtering options, late & missing policies, and assignment posting policies
- SpeedGrader: Post comments to manually-graded items that haven’t been graded yet
- New Quizzes: Shuffle answers in multiple choice, multiple answer, and matching quiz questions
- Rich Content Editor (RCE): Opt into the updated RCE [3]
- Fixed Bugs
- API updates
See the release notes [4] for a full list of expected updates and fixes, including a short (~5 minutes) screencast reviewing this release.
–IT Community Partnerships on behalf of the eLearning Services team
[1] About Canvas at IU
[2] Direct Share
[3] Canvas Release: New Rich Content Editor
[4] Canvas Release Notes 01-18-2020
Alternatively, log in to Canvas. Click “Help”, “Ask the Community”, “Releases”, “Release Notes by Product”, “Canvas”, and “View Full Release Notes Document”.
~~~~~ Today’s IT Pro Tip ~~~~~
Yoga, Ice Hockey, Crafting, Live Music; What is your pleasure? Make plans to attend the 2020 UITS Engagement Expo, hosted by IT Community Partnerships, on Tuesday, February 4, 10am-2pm in the Wrubel Commons, IU Bloomington. The event is your opportunity to explore and join existing or new employee groups, clubs or committees led by UITS. Live music back by popular demand; Margaret Tratta will play guitar and sing and Julie Songer will debut playing the electric violin and fiddle throughout the event. Email with questio