IT Professionals,
As first mentioned in the Storage CoP coffee hour, a dashboard showing users above the 5GB threshold for storage in Google Drive [1] is now available.
Access to this dashboard is granted to all members, sub-leads, leaders, and select related users in IT People. If the dashboard appears blank, please reach out to your IT Leader to check your access in IT People.
This dashboard is based off a static list of user data. We are working on securing frequent updates but wanted to make the initial version available. Additionally, we will add more information about shared drives once available.
If you would like to download a list of users, set the filters as you like, then select the download button in the bottom right corner of the screen. After that, select “crosstab” on a pop-up window and “user list” from the view selection. This should generate either a .xlsx or .csv list based on your selection.
For issues with accessing or downloading information from the dashboard, please reach out to IT Community Partnerships at
–IT Community Partnerships on behalf of the Google Storage Taskforce
~~~~~ Today’s IT Pro Tip ~~~~~
For upcoming IT Pro events including infoshares, coffee hours, and more that you may be interested in, please visit the ITCP Event Calendar: