UPDATE 2: Last night (8/23), the UITS Networking team made an adjustment to the SMT process as part of trying to mitigate this wireless issue. The SMT process in the controllers manages both authorization and SNMP polling. By turning down SNMP polling, and rebooting the controller environment last night, the hope is that the SMT process will be able to properly authenticate all users.
Please continue to report issues as you see them. UITS is continuing to monitor wireless performance and trouble reports are a vital part of that.
UPDATE: There will be a 10-minute outage starting at 10:00 pm ET of the wireless networks due to a restart of the wireless controllers.
IT Professionals:
The Support Center is receiving reports of users having intermittent issues accessing wireless networks in academic buildings on the Bloomington campus. Users are unable to consistently connect to eduroam, IU Secure, or other IU SSIDs. Over 22K+ devices are still connected, so many users can successfully connect. However, enough users are experiencing issues that it indicates a larger problem.
Our wireless engineers and vendor support professionals are engaged and are attempting to pin down the issue. Additional reports with details and data about impacted devices are appreciated.
Please report any issues to the Support Center at sct2@iu.edu.
–IT Community Partnerships