IT Professionals,
On Sunday, February 19, Qualtrics Legacy Report URLs are changing. Clients who have been using these URLs in the last three months received the email below on January 26, which instructed them on how to access the Qualtrics reports via the new URLs.
Qualtrics also has instructions on their Email Task support page.
If you have any questions, contact Qualtrics Support.
–IT Community Partnerships on behalf of the eLearning Services team
~~~Text of Direct Mailing~~~
You’re receiving this message because you’ve used the legacy single response URL feature in Qualtrics within the last 3 months. This feature, which generates a unique URL that contains information about a given response in your survey, is formatted as such:{surveyId}&R={responseId}&ResponseSummary=True
These URLs will no longer work starting on February 19.
What action should I take?
Qualtrics is replacing these legacy URLs with an updated solution, and there are two ways to start using it:
- Create an email task via Workflows and enable the “Include Response Report” option. This will automatically include a response report link in your email.
- Using piped text, replace the legacy single response URL in your email task with the updated format. The updated format is: ${srr://SingleResponseReportLink}.
What if I still have questions?
If you have questions or need help with the updated response URL, you can:
- Visit the Email Task support page.
- Contact Qualtrics Support.
- Contact to determine which of your survey/s is using the legacy URL.
eLearning Services