IT colleagues:
On April 1, the Microsoft 365 administrators archived Microsoft teams that were not renewed by March 31. A direct mailing is being sent to owners of these teams notifying them that these archived teams will be deleted on June 30, 2024. A list of impacted teams is available for your review.
Owners of an affected team can restore it themselves by June 30 and have an additional 30 days after that to contact the Support Center to request that it be restored.
–IT Community Partnerships on behalf of the Microsoft 365 Administration team
~~~~~ Text of direct mailing ~~~~~
You are receiving this message because you have the owner role in one or more Microsoft teams scheduled for deletion on June 30, 2024.
Either a primary or a secondary contact must periodically review each team and attest that it is still needed to help maintain proper security of institutional data, which is a part of the team owner’s responsibility under the service agreement. This did not occur for at least one of your teams. Please visit Manage Your Storage Locations and select the status “Archived Pending Delete” to see the list of teams affected. If a team is still needed, please follow the instructions at Restore an archived team to unarchive, and then within 24 hours, visit Renew Storage Locations to affirm the registration.
If no owner of this team completes this work before June 30, 2024, these teams will be permanently deleted.
If you have questions or concerns, contact your local IT support people or the UITS Support Center.
–Microsoft 365 Administration at IU and UITS Support Center