IT Professionals:
Note: This message, for clients nearing the new 100 GB Microsoft Storage limit, is similar to one sent last week to those who were over 1 TB.
Microsoft has announced that it will lower the storage limit for Microsoft 365 A1 licenses from 1TB to 100GB. Clients near the new limit of 100GB are being notified directly, alerting them to the change to avoid issues. The text of the direct mailing is below, and you can view the list of 80 impacted clients.
–IT Community Partnerships on behalf of the M365 Storage Taskforce
~~~~~ Text of Direct Mailing ~~~~~
Important Notice: Microsoft Storage Changes at Indiana University
Effective the date of this notice, your OneDrive storage will be reduced from 1TB to 100GB.
Why are you getting this message?
You are receiving this message because you have a Microsoft 365 A1 license and could be affected by a change in Microsoft policy. You are currently using less than 90 GB of storage on OneDrive for Business. Unless you grow your storage rapidly, this change is not expected to impact your account.
What is changing and why?
Microsoft has announced that it will lower the storage limit for A1 OneDrive for Business users like you from 1 TB (1000 GB) to 100 GB. This change will take effect no later than February 1, 2024.
What do you need to do?
If you find your account running out of storage space in the future, here are some steps you can take:
- View your current storage usage on OneDrive for Business by logging into Microsoft OneDrive with your IU credentials, expanding the left Navigation pane (click the arrow icon on the left), and checking the Storage icon and link in the bottom left corner; see Check your storage on Microsoft OneDrive at IU.
- Delete any files and documents that you no longer need or that are duplicated on OneDrive for Business. You can also empty your recycle bin to free up some space.
- Move any files and documents that you want to keep but do not need to access frequently to another storage location, such as the Scholarly Data Archive (SDA), IU secure storage, or another departmental storage location.
Where can you get more information and help?
- If you have any questions or concerns about where files can be stored by policy, please use the guide About dedicated file storage services at IU.
- If you need assistance moving files, please contact your IT Pro or your campus support center for help.
- For instructions on syncing files and folders locally so they can be moved or sorted, see Sync OneDrive files.
- Research Technologies offers Globus which could be used to move data into research systems.
We appreciate your understanding and cooperation as we address this change in Microsoft policy.
UITS Microsoft 365 Storage Taskforce and UITS Support Center teams