IT Professionals:
InCommon, Indiana University’s SSL/TLS certificate provider, is preparing for the expiration of an intermediate certificate (InCommon RSA Server CA) that is used for all SSL/TLS certificates issued from the InCommon environment. To assist in preparing for this change, a new enrollment form has been created. This enrollment form is identical to the old one, save for being able to issue certificates using the new intermediate certificate.
This upcoming change will not impact already issued and valid certificates, nor will it impact new certificate issuance. Certificates will be able to be requested via the old form until August 31st, 2023; after that time, all requests should be submitted using the new form.
Please take a moment to ensure that your documentation is updated to reference the new enrollment form link:
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the UISO at
–IT Community Partnerships on behalf of the University Information Security Office