IT Professionals,
The following message will be sent to all users with more than 4GB of storage in Google My Drive on Thursday, May 5, informing them of the new migration form for My Drive.
Please note, the migration form is currently active for testing, but all responses will be removed before the email is sent to end users on May 5.
–IT Community Partnerships
~~~~~ Text from Direct Message ~~~~~
You are receiving this email because you are using more than 4 GB of Google storage. As you may know from previous emails, storage limits for users over 4 GB will be put in place by the end of this calendar year (2022).
The new limit for your individual Google at IU My Drive will be 5 GB. If your total usage is above that limit, you will need to reduce your storage footprint.
There are several options available for managing your data storage. Click on the button below and carefully read through the options to determine your next steps. No migration will happen at this time, and you will be able to update your choices until this fall.
Find more information about the Google storage changes in this KB article, or check out this list of commonly asked questions.
If you have immediate questions or concerns, contact your IT Pro or the UITS Support Center.
~~~~~ Today’s IT Pro Tip ~~~~~
Apple would like to invite you to Office Hours focusing on authentication and identity in macOS Monterey on May 4, at 2pm ET and May 5, at 10am ET. No registration required. Join either meeting via WebEx: