IT Professionals:
A mailing will be going out to Box group account owners that have not yet filled out the Phase 2 Survey for the Box Migration. The Box Migration task force has gathered a list of those group accounts that have not been surveyed yet and is encouraging IT Pros to review this impact list [1] for accounts of people they support.
The text of the direct mailing follows to keep you informed of what is being communicated with users.
–IT Community Partnerships
~~~~~ Text of Direct Mailing ~~~~~
To: Group, OA and BEDA owners
SUBJ: Reminder: Tell us where to put your group account files from Box
Red box: Take action to prevent data loss. Don’t wait until the deadline to create new storage and fill out the survey.
Greetings group account owners,
Our records show that you are the owner of a group account that has files stored on Box. Now that individual accounts have been migrated, it is time to start preparing to move the files owned by group or non-individual accounts.
This second phase of the migration is different and a bit more complex than the first phase. All group, organizational, and Box Entrusted Data Account (BEDA) account owners must take action to avoid having files deleted. (Determine which group accounts you own.)
Unlike the first phase of the migration, taking no action will result in data loss.
In order to avoid data loss:
- Organize your files and determine where you wish to move them
- Create an institutional file storage location in the Microsoft or Google environment prior to the move
- Fill out the Institutional storage request formto request new storage.
- Learn why you should create an institutional file storage location
- Fill out a surveyindicating where you want your files to be moved by October 10. In this survey, you will choose a destination for each top-level folder in Box in the Microsoft environment, the Google environment, or a combination of both.
Find all the details about how to take action.
Do not wait until the October 10 deadline to begin this process. These steps can take some work to complete. You will likely need to ask frequent users of the files which service would best meet their collaboration and storage needs. We are here to help
- To help you think about setting up your new storage, we will be hosting Box Migration Coffee Hour at 3 pm on Tuesdays and 10 am on Fridays. The first session will be next Tuesday, Sept. 29 and run Tuesdays and Fridays until no longer needed.
Come talk with our experts about the pros and cons of each storage and collaboration solution based on the unique needs of your unit. Bring your own coffee, and we’ll talk!
Meeting ID: 921 1149 2555
Password: 407387
Warm regards,
UITS Support Center
~~~~~ Today’s IT Pro Tip ~~~~~
Missed a recent ITCP announcement or event invite? All mailings are available and searchable on the ITCP Blog: