IT Professionals,
The eLearning Services team (eLS) wants to inform you of several upcoming changes.
To resolve feature redundancy between the Google Apps LTI [1] and the Assignments LTI [2], all placements of the Google Apps LTI will be removed from Canvas except for Collaborations [3] and Google Cloud Assignments on Thursday, September 17, 2020 between 5:00am-5:30am.
- Note 1: For best results, eLearning Services recommends deauthorizing and reauthorizing both apps via Account Settings.
- Note 2: this change was originally scheduled for July 16, 2020.
Next, there is a Canvas [4] update scheduled for Saturday, September 19 between 8:00am and 12:00pm EST. Canvas will receive feature updates and bug fixes managed by the vendor (Instructure). Highlights in this update include:
- Updated Features:
- New Analytics LTI [5]: Download CSV file reports for missing assignments, late assignments, excused assignments, the class roster, and course activity data. All reports contain real-time data except for the course activity data report.
- Note: the New Analytics LTI must be enabled on a course-by-course basis
- New Analytics LTI [5]: Download CSV file reports for missing assignments, late assignments, excused assignments, the class roster, and course activity data. All reports contain real-time data except for the course activity data report.
See the release notes [6] for a full list updates and fixes, including a short (~5 minutes) screencast reviewing this release.
Finally, Google will be changing the way it manages deleted content in My Drive [7]. Starting on October 13, deleted files will remain in Trash for 30 days before they’re purged. At this point, eLearning Services will have 25 days to recover the content before it’s gone forever.
As always, we will continue to provide timely communication/additional information concerning future updates.
– IT Community Partnerships on behalf of The eLearning Services team
[1] Google Apps LTI
[2] Assignments LTI
[3] What are Collaborations?
[4] About Canvas at IU
[5] New Analytics
[6] Canvas release notes–870570328
[7] About Google at IU My Drive
~~~~~ Today’s IT Pro Tip ~~~~~
Check out the following webinar after your individual files have been migrated to your OneDrive account from Box at IU to learn how to find, organize, edit, and share your files: