IT Professionals:
The Web Tech team will be migrating the storage to a new system. They would like to make you aware of this change in case you support anyone utilizing it. The below is the text of a direct mailing sent to users of the site.
–IT Community Partnerships on behalf of the Web Tech team
~~~~~ Text of Direct Mailing ~~~~~
Subject: Upcoming storage migration for
Greetings Pages account owners,
In the coming weeks, user files for the Pages web environment will be migrated to a new storage system. Users will not need to take any action, and after the migration you will access your files exactly as before.
The date for the migration is Tuesday, October 6.
Users will be unable to login or publish for a few hours during the final stage of the migration. Access to published web pages will not be interrupted. Migration should be complete and login and publishing access restored by 8AM on the morning of October 6. A more detailed timeline will be shared closer to the migration date.
If you have further questions, please contact your local campus Support Center.
Thank you,
UITS Support Center
phone, email, and chat support
~~~~~ Today’s IT Pro Tip ~~~~~
Microsoft Ignite, an annual conference for developers and IT professionals hosted by Microsoft, has pivoted from a week-long, in-person event to two global events that are FREE, 48-hour digital gatherings. The first event is Sept. 22-24, and registration is now open. To access the full learning experience, including digital breakout sessions and the Connection Zone, registration is required. Viewing key segments (formerly known as keynotes in the live event) will not require registration.
Microsoft Ignite will take place online, kicking off on the morning of September 22, at 8:00 AM in the Pacific Time zone. The event programming will include live segments and Q&A, available across time zones. Visit the homepage to view the event agenda and to register.
A second Microsoft Ignite is planned for early 2021 to create an additional opportunity to connect with technical communities, and to share the latest product developments.