Dear IT Professional Colleagues,
As per our communication, this mailing is the second of three notices we are sending to IT pros regarding UA and FERPA compliance. Application Security and Quality Assurance (ASQA) will be implementing a compliance check for FERPA and the Acceptable Use Agreement that will remove tool access for those who are not up-to-date with their FERPA certification (, or who have never completed the Acceptable Use Agreement.
At present, when we compare compliant personnel with IT pro members within IT People, we find 198 members – down from 277 – out of compliance (most of whom are out of compliance with FERPA). If we were to implement our compliance check for those outside of the 30 day notice period, automation would remove tools from all 198 members. Before we activate the ASQA check within IT People, we are sending this reminder to reduce to greatest extent possible the disruption of losing tool access within IT People.
Please refer to the Compliance Lookup Tool [1] to verify FERPA and Acceptable Use Agreement compliance. If your Acceptable Use Agreement has expired, please go to the following link to renew your Acceptable Use Agreement [2].
FERPA compliance expires every two years and can be revalidated early, if you wish. For IT People tool access, having compliance in either the staff or the faculty FERPA category will suffice, based on your employment status.
We will be sending this reminder out to the IT Community each week for the next three weeks prior to ASQA activating the automated tool removal for those out of FERPA compliance.
Please direct questions to
–IT Community Partnerships
~~~~~ Today’s IT Pro Tip ~~~~~
In case you missed it, the infoshare about the Box Migration: Institutional Storage and Case Study, can be found on Kaltura at: