Dear IT professional colleagues,
The new ITCP website is now in production:
The site covers general information on ITCP’s charge, the EdCert program, Green IT, and consolidates the Google site for IT pros, under the IT Pro Information banner link.
Under the IT Pro Information you will find our calendar of events, and the ITCP Blog, which posts current and past mailings. Additionally, there is a link to “Tools for IT Pros” that provides a breakdown of tools (and links to those tools) made available through IT People. There is also access to the “Netdisco” tool on the tools page that provides network attached device information for buildings and MAS registered devices that your IT team supports. Access to the Netdisco tool is restricted to IT unit leads, showing devices only within buildings supported (as part of an IT unit’s IT People profile) by an IT unit; and/or devices registered through MAS by individuals in departments supported by a specific IT unit.
As always, we welcome your feedback on the site and an additional utility or improvements we can add or make. Please send your comments or questions to
–IT Community Partnerships