IT Professional Colleagues,
As of yesterday (6/2/2020), the auto-removal of IT unit tool access for members within IT People whose job classification has changed will go into effect. This change occurs when there is a mismatch between the IT People record and their derived HRMS record.
If you are designated as a lead within an IT unit, and the HRMS record of a member of your team changes, indicating that they may no longer be a member of your IT unit, you will receive the following email:
Subject: IT People Permission Change
Please be advised, you are receiving this message as an IT unit lead within IT People. As a result of a change to the job code for the following member, their tool access has been revoked for the following tools listed below:
If this member should remain in your IT unit, please reapply tool access where appropriate. If they are no longer a part of your IT unit, please remove them from your IT unit.
Please contact with any questions or concerns regarding this change.
In this way, IT People’s data will remain closely aligned with the canonical record of HRMS, and is designed to maintain the accuracy of membership within IT People, as well as ensure that tools are assigned in accordance to security best practices and policy. If the IT unit member leaves the university, they are permanently removed from the IT People database (for further details, see:
If you have any questions about IT People or the auto-removal of tool access, please contact IT Community Partnerships at