Dear IT professional colleagues,
A tremendous amount of progress has been made in the last two days, but we’re still missing some vital information on instructional spaces, especially at IUPUI. Therefore, the deadline for completing the entry of basic information has been extended to noon on Thursday (5/14).
At a minimum, we need information about a room’s seating, technology, and its departmental contact details. More information about required information is available at
We have found some duplicate rooms, spaces that are not suitable for instruction, as well as rooms in buildings not belonging to IU. We need to make the list as accurate as possible, so please remove these rooms when you find them. Email when you find major discrepancies or errors in building lists.
The Webinar recording from Monday is available at
A general KB Doc is available at
Thank you for the extraordinarily fast turnaround on this project!
–IT Community Partnerships on behalf of Collaboration Technologies and Classroom Support