IT Professionals,
The eLearning Services team (eLS) wants to inform you of two upcoming changes within Canvas.
First, on Friday, May 1, the Google Apps LTI [1] may be intermittently unavailable 3:00am-4:00am while Instructure performs maintenance.
On Saturday, May 2, all Canvas SMS notifications except Announcements and Grading will be discontinued [2]. The Canvas Notifications page will only show Announcement and Grading notifications as available options.
It is recommended that users switch to the Canvas mobile app and enable push notifications to continue receiving their preferred notifications on their mobile device.
As always, we will continue to provide timely communication/additional information concerning future updates.
– IT Community Partnerships on behalf of The eLearning Services team
[1] About Google Drive in Canvas
[2] SMS Notifications Deprecation
~~~~~ Today’s IT Pro Tip ~~~~~
For the most current information on transitioning to virtual learning, faculty can continue to find resources on the Keep Teaching website. Students can find more information and resources on the Keep Learning website. These websites will continue to be updated with new resources.