IT Professionals,
The eLearning Services team (eLS) want to inform you of an upcoming change for Box at IU [1] as well as a scheduled WileyPLUS maintenance [2].
On Saturday February 22, between 2:00 am and 7:00am EST, students will not be able to create a WileyPLUS account while the vendor performs system maintenance.
Beginning on Monday, February 24, Box will begin switching to Amazon Simple Email Service (SES) to deliver email notifications on behalf of Box. There is no expected downtime associated with this update, which will be completed by March 9.
Aligning with current practices, the new Box email notifications will not be flagged as external [3].
You can read more information about this change here [4].
–IT Community Partnerships on behalf of the eLearning Services team
[1] About Box at IU:
[2] Get started with WileyPLUS in Canvas:
[3] Flag email sent from non-IU sources to help identify potential phishing attempts:
[4] Notification emails: change of service provider:
~~~~~ Today’s IT Pro Tip ~~~~~
On Wednesday, February 26 from 11:00 am to 12:00 pm, ITCP will host an infoshare about upcoming changes to Red Hat Enterprise Linux licensing. Please send in any questions you have about this change to and we will provide answers during this infoshare. Please register: