Just as evolving technologies drive innovation in disciplines such as medicine, engineering, science, and informatics, the world of art and design enjoys similar benefits — and is increasingly relied upon to enhance form and function as ventures become commercialized. With such relationships in mind, Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis’ Herron School of Art and Design… Read more »
Spin Up program passes $2 million mark in raised funds for faculty-inspired ventures
This summer, Spin Up — IURTC’s business accelerator focused on biotech, engineering, health care, life science and medical device technology — surpassed the $2 million mark in funds raised. Along the way to its three-year anniversary in July, the program created 24 new companies, 30 new entrepreneurs among Indiana University faculty — including seven women… Read more »
IURTC delegates visit China to explore tech transfer, startup business partnerships
Two Indiana University Research and Technology Corp. officials recently visited Beijing and Xi’an, China, to explore future partnerships in technology transfer and bringing startup companies to that nation’s market. The five-day visit for Marie Kerbeshian, IURTC’s vice president of technology commercialization, and Jeremy Schieler, director of technology commercialization for Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis, began Nov…. Read more »
IURTC's Spin Up program featured on Inside Indiana Business with Gerry Dick
An update on the progress of IURTC’s Spin Up entrepreneurial development program was recently featured on Inside Indiana Business with Gerry Dick. Joining the host (right) to discuss Spin Up’s recent successes were Spin Up director Joe Trebley (center) and Anantha Shekhar (left). Shekhar, a professor of psychiatry, pharmacology and neurobiology at the Indiana University School of… Read more »
IU startup EmotEd teams with DeveloperTown in a venture to treat emotion deficit disorder
EmotEd LLC, an Indiana University startup that aims to treat emotional deficits linked to traumatic brain injuries, has partnered with Broad Ripple-based design and development firm DeveloperTown to produce a therapeutic video game that EmotEd hopes to market. So far, DeveloperTown’s collaboration with EmotEd, along with faculty at the IU School of Medicine and the… Read more »
IUPUI and IURTC to host Innovation to Enterprise Forum and Showcase on Nov. 20
Scientists, entrepreneurs, investors, and others interested in commercializing their research, ideas, or inventions should circle Thursday, Nov. 20, on their calendars to attend the 2014 IUPUI Innovation to Enterprise Forum and Showcase. The forum, which will focus on funding new ventures, is scheduled from 2 to 4:30 p.m. at the lower level of the IUPUI… Read more »