Beginning in the spring 2017 semester, IU Southeast will begin offering a bachelor of science degree in neuroscience, making it the only program in the field offered to undergraduates in the greater Louisville area.

The multi-disciplinary degree requires 120 hours to complete and includes coursework in psychology, biology and chemistry. Such a degree is particularly beneficial to students who intend to pursue medical school after graduation or advanced training in such fields as psychology, occupational therapy or physical therapy. It also prepares students to work in research labs, the neurotechnology industry and various medical fields.
“Neuroscience is an exciting field that has real promise for curing ailments such as Alzheimer’s disease and paralysis and for understanding such complex human processes as love and aggression,” said Meghan Kahn, an associate professor of psychology and neuroscience faculty member. “As the only program of its kind in the area, we are providing a unique opportunity for Kentuckiana students to enter a growing and innovative field.”
For additional information, read here.
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