The Shoemaker Scholars program brings together 10 Indiana University Bloomington students from a variety of academic disciplines. They encourage other students to explore their own entrepreneurial and innovative interests, and they oversee the StartupIU website that connects students with university-based startups. John and Donna Shoemaker funded the program, which awards annual scholarships to its members. Travis J. Brown launched and directs the program.
Ashley Hennessey, a junior from Fort Wayne, Indiana, majors in secondary social studies education in the School of Education. She has been a Shoemaker Scholar for a semester. Ashley was kind enough to answer questions for the Crimson Catalyst.
Crimson Catalyst: How did you learn about the Shoemaker Scholars program?
Ashley Hennessey: My older brother, Andrew, was a Shoemaker Scholar. I learned about the group when he helped them branch into the School of Education.
CC: What impact do Shoemaker Scholars have?
AH: We help connect students to resources on campus that they might not know about, while also encouraging people from any discipline to tap into their entrepreneurial mind.
CC: What is a common misconception students have about entrepreneurship and innovation?
AH: A common misconception is that you have to be a Kelley or SICE (School of Informatics, Computing and Engineering) student to pursue entrepreneurship. In actuality, anyone with a creative idea can utilize the Shoemaker Scholars to make an impact on their surroundings.
CC: How do you share insights with others, as an ambassador?
AH: I encourage people with any sort of idea, big or small, to connect with us and see how they can put their idea into action using the resources available to them on campus.
CC: What are your own entrepreneurial endeavors?
AH: I have developed programs in high schools that help integrate new students into the school environment and community. I am also working on an affordable tutoring service for elementary-, middle- and high-schoolers, with college students as the tutors.
CC: What do you enjoy most about being a Shoemaker Scholar?
AH: I’m not what people might expect when they talk about entrepreneurs, so I enjoy that the Shoemaker Scholars program sees the value in diverse minds and skill sets.
More information about the Shoemaker Scholars program is available at the following websites:
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