Officials of International Networks at Indiana University (IN@IU) and the National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT) of Japan signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) in Hong Kong at the 42nd Asia Pacific Advanced Network (APAN) meeting.
The document states that they will continue to work together on sustaining network performance, supporting research and science and conducting ongoing investigation to better implement the networking infrastructure for community use. The contract will last a year and can be renewed for up to five years.
IU’s relationship with NICT dates back to 1997, when NICT was one of the co-founders of APAN along with IU’s President Michael McRobbie. McRobbie also started the TransPAC project, now in its fourth funding cycle as the TransPAC4 project, which supports backbone circuits between the U.S.
More information about the partnership is available here.
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