Yesterday Bill Stephan and I had the opportunity to travel to Richmond to meet with new IU East Chancellor Kathryn Cruz-Uribe along with Patty Crawford, special assistant to the Chancellor, and David Frantz, dean of the School of Business and Economics. Chancellor Cruz-Uribe is committed to building upon IU East’s vital role as a valued partner and resource to the economic fiber of East Central Indiana region and the Richmond community.
IU East, ranked by U.S. News as the most connected four-year institution in Indiana, continues to apply new and innovative approaches to higher education. The campus’ announcement yesterday of its partnership with the Women’s Tennis Association as the primary provider of baccalaureate online degree completion for professional WTA players serves as a prime example.
With Richmond recently designated as one of two Indiana Stellar Communities for 2013, significant new momentum is being generated, boosting regional transformation efforts. The IU Office for Engagement looks forward to collaborating with IU East, and working directly with Chancellor Cruz-Uribe and her staff, to advance economic development initiatives throughout the region by enhancing the connectivity of relevant IU resources.
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