New Dean
Dean Joanna Millunchick comes to the Luddy School via the University of Michigan’s College of Engineering, where she served in a variety of capacities for 25 years, including being named the Arthur F. Thurnau Professor in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering, and the associate dean for undergraduate education in the College of Engineering. Dean Millunchick is a welcome addition to the Luddy School, and we look forward to continuing to move in a positive direction under her leadership.
The Luddy School has also hired several new faculty, including in ILS (Rongqian Ma and Allan Martell), and looks forward to hiring even more faculty for the 2023/24 academic year.
Center for Artificial Intelligence
In addition to our new Dean, the Luddy School officially opened the Luddy Center for Artificial Intelligence. The new Luddy AI building will draw upon the strength of researchers at the Luddy School as well as collaborators from across IU’s extensive range of schools, departments, and programs. It will help coordinate AI activities both within the school and across campus, and support both foundational- and application-oriented AI research. Other AI-related research groups in the new AI building include the Center for Social and BioMedical Complexity, the Center for Complex Networks and Systems Research, the Computer Vision Lab, the Indiana University Network Science Institute, the Observatory on Social Media, the R-House Human Robot Interaction Lab, the StatMIND Lab, and the Virtual Heritage Lab. Luddy School Professor David Crandall is serving as the center’s first director.
Luddy Net is Here!
The Luddy School has launched Luddy Net, a new opportunity for Luddy alumni and friends to engage with the Luddy School, our alumni, and our students. Luddy Net evolved out of a series of discussions by the Luddy School Alumni Board about connecting alumni with the school. The creation of Luddy Net encourages relationship-building and skill-sharing amongst all Luddy stakeholders. Ready to get started? Register now!